Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grow out hair?

My Mom said that if I can get my to grow past my shoulders I can dye the ends a purple color.

There is one problem: My hair is barrely and the beginning of my neck.I have relaxed black{the color} hair.{And I am not getting rid of the relaxer}How do I get it to grow

Grow out hair?

Prenatle vitaminsss.

They helped me.


Grow out hair?

cut it and it will grow faster

Grow out hair?

u cant speed the process up , itll grow when it grows

Grow out hair?

You should just wait it out for a little while and get it taken care of at a professional place. Hopefully that will work. Good luck.

Grow out hair?

Do gro. Its a hair care product

Grow out hair?

get hair extensions

Grow out hair?

The only way you can get your hair to grow faster is to be healthy--exercise, eat healthy, etc.

Grow out hair?

trim all the ends... it promotes the hair to grow.

trim every couple weeks, it will gro much faster.

Grow out hair?


look at this'll be 18 before it grows out, then you can do whatever you want with it!

Grow out hair?

wear a wig then get it died

Grow out hair?

Left_nik,the daily nutrition that you ate effect your body,thats includes your HAIR.So eat healthy food,drink lots of water %26amp; fruit juices to make your hair %26amp; skin look better.Find out from your friends what are the elements,vitamins that makes hair grow faster.

Grow out hair?

Go to a professional for deep conditioning treatments. I had "one length" hair years ago. I thought it would never grow. I went to a professional who took the time to care for my hair. She would dry cut my ends every six weeks. My hair grew down my back for the first time in my life and was so healthy.

Grow out hair?

The first thing you want to do keep a regular trim you need to eventually cut all the relaxer off so you hair can grow faster than it can break and to top it off you need to keep the hair that is still relaxed very conditioned and greased so it does not create brakage. than you want to take plenty of prenatal pill THEY REALY WORK, than lastly you want to use DOCTOR MIRICLEs root treatments then give it some time but dont give up it take a while for it to kick in but it is worth it!

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

I was wondering is there anyone out there who's had Gastric Bypass, and did you lose 40-50% of your hair? I had a very thick beautiful mane of hair, and long too, and I've had to cut it to my shoulders because I lost about %50 of my hair. I know it does grow back, but how long did it take before you saw a difference in the thickness of your hair? I have to keep mine up in a barrett because there's no body to it, and it's just mainly strings. How do you style your thinning, or already thinned hair?

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

My sister had gastric bypass surgery. She lost a buttload of weight, but only because the surgeon made the stomach too small, and reverse paristollisis occured. (throwing up) Even water would come back out. She had to have her gall bladder removed because she lost allot of weight very fast. She never had hairloss. My cousin had this same surgery and didn't have any hair loss either... Sorry... My mom is loosing hair, but that is because she has allopecia. She is using Rogaine for men. My sister has since had the procedure reversed for obvious reasons....

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

I am so proud of you!! That is great that you have gotten healthier with the bypass! I bet you feel great....the hair, i don't know!

How do I grow hair all over my body?

I will like a hairy chest, butt, and back specially.

How do I grow hair all over my body?

you can only grow hair in these places if there are hair follicles already there, you have to be born with them...i love a hairy chest, butt and back too, but, my husband only has about "1" hair on his i just try to be thankful for that "1" hair, and focus on the OTHER THINGS HE DOES HAVE!!!.... a stylist

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Thats pretty gross"/ Stick to being hairless.Some people think your more fortunate.But come on why would you want your but to be hairy?

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Eeewwww, gross!!! You can start by shaving the hair thats already there and as you know it will grow back hairer and just keep doing that until you look like a sweater.

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Eww!!! Why??? What do you want to look like? A caveman?

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Ben hairy backs, butts, and chest isnt sexy! (at least it isnt to me)

How do I grow hair all over my body?

a hairy butt, ewwww yucky!

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Ewww!!! Not sexy!!! Well you could shave until it grows back thick, but i dont know why you want to.

How do I grow hair all over my body?

no girls dont like hairy guys

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

I've heard if you yank out hair, the roots become stronger, and therefore even more coarse and stronger hair will grow instead; I've also heard if you shave, the hair will grow thicker and one seems to know the real answer. Anyone here care to give this one a shot? Cite your sources if you can.

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

Waxing works much better than shaving! It lasts longer, because the hair is growing back from root level instead of skin surface level.

For permanant hair removal, try LHR! A friend with very dark hair removed the hair on her face, neck, underarms and legs. (She got a deal because she was a "model" for a cosmetology school.) It worked great and she loves having smooth, hair free skin!

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

I've never "yanked off" hair before, but...I have waxed and shaved. Shaving doesn't make the hair actually grow in thicker or blunts the tip of the hair giving it the appearance of being a thicker strand of hair. When you wax, the hair is removed by the root. When it grows back, it grows back naturally with a thin pointy tip...thus giving the appearance of being a smaller strand of hair. If you wax often enough, eventually the individual hair follicles will stop producing will thin out. If you are looking for permanent hair removal, you should try electrolysis or laser hair removal. Good luck!

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

yank is better

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

I had my hair really long and it was super cute! I cut it for a change and now it is ugly!!! Can you help me find a way to make it grow faster?? Please HELP!!! all answers are apprecieated!

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

7 ways to make ur hair grow faster:

1.First and foremost, take your vitamins!

then at least eat your way to healthy hair. A well balanced diet of foods rich in vitamin A, B, C and especially E are all essential for growing healthy hair. Foods that are rich in iron and zinc have been proven to encourage hair growth. If you don閳ユ獩 care for beef, try fish, raisins, spinach, beans and yogurt, which are also great sources for protein. Soy is also rich in proteins and has even been found to strengthen hair. Also try prenatal vitamins! They do wonders for not only growing hair, but growing nails as well!

2. Get rid of the dead ends.If you have tons of split ends and you haven閳ユ獩 had your hair trimmed lately, your slowing down your hair閳ユ獨 growth potential. Getting a regular trim at least every few months will keep damaged ends at bay and will allow hair to grow faster.

3.Stimulate the scalp. Increasing the circulation to your head by messaging the scalp can make the hair grow. You can do this by, simply rubbing your fingertips in circular motions against your scalp for 2-3 minutes a day. For an added treat, mix 闄?cup of rosemary and 1 cup of tea together and mix half of this with your normal shampooing to open up scalp pores and increase blood circulation.

4. Get out and move. Everyday stress and no exercise have actually shown slower growth to hair. Getting a good night閳ユ獨 sleep (at least 7 hours) and putting your worries to bed, combined with a daily exercise regimen can improve not only your hair閳ユ獨 growth, but your health as well.

5. Squeaky cleanliness is a must hair essential, not only for growth, but for sanitary reasons as well. If you閳ユ獧e running around with oily roots or a nice big build-up of dirt in your hair, you need to change your routine and shampoo hair at least twice a week to maximize your potential for long hair. While you閳ユ獧e at it, don閳ユ獩 forget to wash your hairbrushes and combs.

6. Treat your hair with care. If you want your hair to grow, you must take care of your hair. Don閳ユ獩 brush wet hair unless you want to damage it. Use a shampoo and conditioner that is specifically formulated for your hair type. Skip the heated styling tools, perms and dyes as often as you can, and avoid any unnecessary rough stuff that can cause your hair to break.

7. Fake it! If you don閳ユ獩 have the patience to wait for your hair to grow, you can always try wearing a hair extension like your favorite celebrity, until your own hair grows to the desired length you閳ユ獧e aiming for.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

When you get in the sun a lot your hair grows faster.

Hope it grows back:)

Also you could think about getting extenions

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

The best thing to do to increase your hair growth is to use a Hair and Nail vitamin. In addition to that, drink lots of water and keep your scalp moisturized.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

take some vitamin supplements,

like biotin %26amp; drink plenty of protein shakes %26amp; water.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

There are vitamins out there that are said to help, I've only tried B12, and I felt like it helped my nails more than my hair. But, my mom and I eat a lot of protein - and our hair and nails grow quicker.

Hair does take a long time to grow though, so just be patient. Maybe while you're waiting for your hair to be the length you like, you could get a cute color that you love while you wait. You should always like your hair it's a fun part of being a girl, I bet a hairstylist could help you find a perfect cut %26amp; color for your hair length right now as you wait for it to grow out.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

I had the same problem...I made the mistake of cutting my hair too short and scraggly and it ended up looking really fug. Theres not much you can do about it, but wait. For now, try massaging jojoba oil into your hair before shampooing and leave it in for as long as possible...remember that it's an oil, so try to do it when you're just at home relaxing. You can buy this oil at trader joe's in the beauty section, it comes in a yellow bottle. Also, keep your hair healthy so that it will grow faster by using a strong conditioner or hair mask once a week. You can use one like Neutrogena's Triple Mousiture Deep Recovery...

It makes your hair really soft and keeps it healthy. For now, try going to a salon and see what they can do about your hair if you're really that unsatisfied, or go through pictures of models with short hair...check out to find models and the way they style their hair. Or, you can even get hair extensions at your local salon, which usually come out looking very natural. Good luck!

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

alright i was a wreslter. for wrestling i had to shave my head but i look way better with like ruff longer hair. so i made it grow really fast. i didnt scrub to hard when i washed, i was nice to my hair. i took hair and nail suppliment, it helped alot. i bet you look good and someone just said something mean to make you self conscious. try extensions, wow i sound gay. ok o well. i am just not afraid to share? i dont know haha. alright best of luck to you

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

avocado+honey+lemon mash em up and massage thru ur hair...brush ur hair allot...

honey i have the same freakin problem and i'm tryin everything but i guess i'll have to wait :_(

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

nothing can make hair grow faster. Hair grows about 1/2" a month.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

Hey, I thought that you liked your hair that short?

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

I thought it grew everywhere. Maybe that is because I could be related to Bigfoot

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Palm, lips, foot.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Stupid Question! hair is everywhere on a persons body!

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

teeths tongue %26amp; nails :p

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

fingernails, teeth, eyeballs

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Eyeballs, palms, and fingernails %26amp; toenails.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

the top of my head......bottom of my feet ....palms of my hands

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

lols... wat a stupid!!! questnn.. gall!!

palmzz.. eyeball.. lips,, lol

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

eyeballs seem unlikely to have hair growing on them.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

tongue! teeth! sole of feet, palm of hands! that's fouR!

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

My eyes

my fingernails and toenails

top of my head

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Eyes,lips,and palms.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Eye, tongue, fingernail.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

eyes, lips, palms.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

lips, bottom of feet, and palms of hands

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

1..lips.............2. soles(hmmm i lov to lick gurls soles).........3 tongue(i lov tickling bebes)

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

palms of the hands, bottoms of feet, the nose.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

1.) lips

2.) palms of your hands

3.) your eyeballs

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

teeth,tongue and nail

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

I currently have neck lenght hair, and i really want to grow it out asap because there is nothing I can do with Any ideas on how to make it grow really long really fast?

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

I take Omega 3 fish oils, calcium and vitamin E and my hair grows well over an inch a month 3inches in two months

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Yeah try different shampoos and Vitamins. I also like to gret mine trimmed on a regular basis. Grows about 3in. a month.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

dont color it, trim it every 6 weeks, try not to blow dry it often,(air dry it) and use aveda shampoo products. Trust me when I say none of the hair vitamins or suppliments work. Be patient, it will get there.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

The only thing I have ever witnessed that worked are prenatal vitamins. Nothing will make your hair grow faster than it is meant to, but prenatal vitamins, taken every day, will help your hair and nails grow.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

healthy diet,healthy skin and healthy hair,stop thinking about it .relax before you know will be time for a cut.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

try not to put your hair up in pony tails or clips, this will sufficate your hairs healthy growing. change shampoos %26amp; conditioners every other 14 days %26amp; also do not wash alot washing strips your hair of its natural oils.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

You should look after your hair and shampoo it at least twice a week. I would suggest pantene pro-v. Oil your hair too. That makes it grow alot.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Lots of Vitamin E

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Prenatal vitamins. They'll help your nails, too.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Stick your head in horse manure.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

during ancient times, they would use hair to mesure humidity. My hair grows like weeds. so do my nails. and I live in a very humid place...

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

well there really isnt any way to make it grow long you can make it look longer by keeping the length and adding shorter layers but the only method that you have to go is to keep getting it trimmed every six weeks to make it look healthy or you could add fake hair