Thursday, November 19, 2009

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

We cut her hair short because we were going to Africa for awhile and it would be easier to maintain. We're back home and now she wants to grow it long. But I love her short hair cuz it's unique and different from most kids out there. Plus my husband gets her up in the morning and doesn't know a thing about styling little girls hair (even though I've showed him basic things) What should we do?

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

My mom kept my hair short until I was old enough to brush it myself. You could comprimise by letting her hair grow shoulder-length, but until she gets older and you are the one taking care of it I say keep it short.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

It's her hair, let her grow it long. It's not like she can never cut it again when she decides to grow it out. You may think it's worth it for her to look so cute now, but wait about 6 more years when she's full of resentment from having had you micromanage her life when she was little, and she'll want to get every possible piercing and tattoo and whatnot. You're better off allowing her the freedoms that won't hurt her now (like how long her hair is or what she wears to school), than have her rebel big time down the road. Besides, long hair is cute too.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

Why not you teach your little girl to style her own hair instead? The very fact that she wants to grow her hair out suggests that she's growing up too. Have trust in her that she can maintain her appearance well.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

Let her grow her hair - it's part of her development to be able to have small choices, to look after her hair is something that she can start to do, simple choices at this age can give her confidence as she grows older. If she doesn't like it then she can have it cut. Is it such a bad thing to allow her hair to grow.

My son has long hair at age 7, he grows it then wants it cut, I allow him to have that decision in his life because it is one that he can make. I nearly died when he decided to have a mullet hair style but when he had it done at the hairdressers he changed his mind - without coersion.

It won't hurt, really, I promise!

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

I say give her a chance to grow her hair long.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

let her grow her hair. She's a little girl and she needs change in her looks.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

I think little girls should have long hair, or atleast hair long enough to have clips and ribbons. You might think she looks cute but looking back at pictures over time she'll wish she had ribbons and pigtails like all little girls.

Small things like hair are a huge issue for children. On the days your husband gets her up she can maybe just brush her hair and wear a head band or clips - something easy.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

Tell her if she wants it long that is fine but she has to learn how to take care of it too.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

It's her hair let it grow if she wants it long. Your husband can learn to care for it. You may like it short but you won't love her less when it's long.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?


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