Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why do we grow hair more in some areas but not in others,as in hair on your head, hair down below et

A good question, and probably no simple answer. "Down below", the hair helps maintain a lower temperature than body temperature for sperm production (if you are male). Hair growth on the chest and back seems to be a function of heredity. Other areas would show more hair growth except the hair is being ground down, as on top of the hands.

Why do we grow hair more in some areas but not in others,as in hair on your head, hair down below etc etc???

Evolution and genes. Hair was designed to keep us warm and keep dirt and germs out of places. We have evolved to be a bit less hairy than our early ancestors because we don't need it as much and because over time we have selected for less hairy mates. Any hair we have now, really, is a result of the genes that are passed to us.

Why do we grow hair more in some areas but not in others,as in hair on your head, hair down below etc etc???

Well the main reason why people remove hair is usually from areas that is hygenic fpr hair to be remove. I mean it is difficult for example hair under the armpits to be kept fresh all the time and when you sweat is most uncomfortable and it tend to keep the smell.

Why do we grow hair more in some areas but not in others,as in hair on your head, hair down below etc etc???

although people say hair is supposed to keep us warm, i doubt it, and that it was left over from evolution, i doubt that as well. The logical answer is that it's there to help our sense of touch, anything that touches a hair even slightly you will know, some area's (like the fingers) have a lot of sensory cells so hair isn't needed there.

Why do we grow hair more in some areas but not in others,as in hair on your head, hair down below etc etc???

Heredity and hormones dictate such as this.

Why do we grow hair more in some areas but not in others,as in hair on your head, hair down below etc etc???

all hair is used to keep sensitive areas free from bacteria. like eyebrows catch the sweat from your forehead from going in your eyes. You have glands in your armpits that let off an odour that attracts the opposite sex, the hair captures the secretion and lets it linger.

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