Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

i need my ahir to grow like 4 inches as soon as i can get it too...

is there any hair growing pill i can take or anything i eat??

need sume advice, can u help

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

Stand upside down for five days.

Trust me.

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

No. Theres no medication for that.

But moisterize it.

Drink lots of water.

And eat meat! It has keratin that helps your hair grow more.

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

you can get a hair, skin and nails vitamin from GNC. i use them every day my hair is long and silky and my skin glows.

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?


Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

Whenever you brush your hair, brush your hair leaning down towards the ground. I promise you it makes your hair grow faster.

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

Vitamin C can help, but its not guaranteed. You just need to wait it out, but try taking vitamin c pills, or intake more vitamin c- its worth a try!

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

Yes it is possible. All you've got to do is provide proper nutrition to your scalp. Use neem oil and massage your head regularly with it or even use of Emu oil is best. Emu oil has 106 healing benefits. You can visit the American Emu associations web site for more details on Emu oil.

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

It works

Plus go to your local walmart and get the vitamins called

Hair, nails, and skin

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

Hair Mayonnaise, it works for me. Try achieving growing dandruff. xD

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

i dont really know how this will help and its really gross!!! my mom when she was little in mexico they would dump cow crap on ther heads!! i know very repulsing but it worked!!

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

There楹搒 a vitamin called 绡揵iotine绡?at GNC store, it will help, as well eat healthy that will help in all areas of your general health, plenty water, jello, fruits, rice, etc.

There are as well special shampoo for that (it has a weird name) but it has to have:

aloe, or based on chili, and some other natural herbs.

in some cases the soap in organic stores are the best and faster, but the only problem is that the hair doesn楹搕 look so shiny so for that just a normal spray to fix that.

trends helps too, to do the tiny ones, try to do it with cotton not with the plastic bands to avoid damaging the ends.

I hope any of all helps you.

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Can you amke ur hair grow faster...?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. A slow process, but there are just no instant solutions. To Know more about your hair will help you.

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