Thursday, November 19, 2009

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

I was wondering is there anyone out there who's had Gastric Bypass, and did you lose 40-50% of your hair? I had a very thick beautiful mane of hair, and long too, and I've had to cut it to my shoulders because I lost about %50 of my hair. I know it does grow back, but how long did it take before you saw a difference in the thickness of your hair? I have to keep mine up in a barrett because there's no body to it, and it's just mainly strings. How do you style your thinning, or already thinned hair?

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

My sister had gastric bypass surgery. She lost a buttload of weight, but only because the surgeon made the stomach too small, and reverse paristollisis occured. (throwing up) Even water would come back out. She had to have her gall bladder removed because she lost allot of weight very fast. She never had hairloss. My cousin had this same surgery and didn't have any hair loss either... Sorry... My mom is loosing hair, but that is because she has allopecia. She is using Rogaine for men. My sister has since had the procedure reversed for obvious reasons....

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

I am so proud of you!! That is great that you have gotten healthier with the bypass! I bet you feel great....the hair, i don't know!

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