Thursday, November 12, 2009

Make hair grow faster?

my hair is a little shorter then chin-length.

i would like it to grow neck length or shoulder length by july. do you think this is possible? if not, how long do you think it'll be? any ways to make it grow that length?

Make hair grow faster?

Nothing can make hair grow faster or become thicker. Hair on average grows 1/2 an inch a month. The best thing you can do is improve your diet to promote heathy hair, excercise and drink lots of water. Eat foods rich in B vitamins, omega fatty acids, iron and protien. Make sure you get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks to keep your hair looking healthy so the split ends don't travel up.

Make hair grow faster?

why one earth did u cut it that short in the first place?

well there some special-ultra-expensive shampooos that helpes make your hair grow faster, and you can have it extended at a hair place(hurts really bad) those r the only ways that i could think of, if you let it grow naturally it will take 2 years, if not less

Make hair grow faster?

do grow might help

Make hair grow faster?

Always eat healthy and dont go as much often to your hairstylist each 6 weeks for a split ends cut. If it's that short; keep the await. The await worths it. However, the duration of until when it would get longer takes time. Sometimes it takes 3-4 months.


Make hair grow faster?

just sweat your hair a lot it grows fast then

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