Thursday, November 12, 2009

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it? Like on your arms, armpits, and legs? I've heard this all my life. And it's the reason shaving is considered a bad thing in my family. Well another reason is my family thinks shaving means you want to impress others (specifically the opposite gender.) Which my family thinks is 'slutty.'

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

I personally think that it's not a matter of impressing anyone as it is more a issue of hygiene and personal choice!As far as it growing back thicker and darker that is more of a myth than fact!!!I know a lot of my friends that shave thier arms and it hasn't grown back thicker or darker!!!I believe that a lot of it has to do with your heritage!

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

I wouldn't try it to find out! 鑴?/p>

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

yes is true grows thicker i can tell

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

no that is a falsehood. It just seems thicker because when hair starts to sprout back, it seems pickier because the ends are flat opposed to the tapered ends you have prior to shaving

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

I think that it depends on your hair type. If you have really light colored hair then I would suggest not shaving at all. And if you do have light hair, and you do shave it, you may find that it doesn't grow back very fast.

If youre like me, and have fairly dark colored hair it will, yes, usually grow back thicker. At least it did in my case. But alot of people I know with light colored hair haven't had that problem.

Years ago, as a young girl, I took a dare to shave my arms (haha, i know) and when the hair grew back it was a lot darker and I think a tiny bit thicker. I didn't like it when it grew back, so ever since then I've always shaved my arms, I love having way soft arms though.

Good Luck!

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

every where but your arms, it always comes back thin

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

No it does not. It seems that way because when your hair is growing in naturally it has a sharp point (meaning the hair gets more narrow towards the end). But when you shave, it cuts off the end, making it flat. So from the bottom to the top of your hair, it is the same width, making it feel thicker. But it isn't I swear.

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

Yeah, I would agree, it seems thicker cuz when you shave it, your hair is flat rather than cut at an angle. But I don't think it grows faster. I can't grow too fast, cuz by the time ur 58 or 59, it would grow back 30 seconds after you shave it. I believe that would be impossible. I think body hair grows at the same speed all the time.

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

my family thinks that it grows back thicker too but i think we think it's thicker because we haven't seen the hair there for awhiel so u forget what it was like before.

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

shaving is proper hygiene and no your hair does not grow back faster the only living part of hair is in the scalp under the skin so how would shaving have anything to do with it's growth it appears to grow faster because u have a stub that has been chopped off down to the skin and it appears to be thicker because when u leave a hair alone for a long time the end of it thins down so when u chop it off an inch or even less u r cutting it at a thicker portion of the hair shaft

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

some say so but i think yes

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

based on my experience, it does

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

that is very true i realized that a few days ago

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

About three years ago I was 12. I shaved my arm hairs and a little of my legs. Now at age 15 the hair on my legs has not grown back at all! and the hair on my arms started growing back last year. IT"S FALSE. and the hair on my upper lip. not grown back

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

Does hair really grow back faster and thicker after you shave it?


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