Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is it possible for your hair to only grow a certain length?

I can not get my hair to grow past the point it is now, but when I was younger I had it longer. Is there a product I should/shouldn't be using?

Is it possible for your hair to only grow a certain length?

everybodys hair grows a certain length and stops there. this is just one of the facts of life. as we get older, our cells are not vibrant as they are when they peak around 18 yrs. old. my hair stops at my collar line. so, if you want long flowing waist length hair, you probably wont get there.hope this helps.

Is it possible for your hair to only grow a certain length?

No, all you have to do is take care of it. Find the right product that will grow your hair out like crazy. I personally would advise olive oil.

Is it possible for your hair to only grow a certain length?

i dont think so.. but i think when someone cut your hair they might've a "heavy arm"(thats what my mom called it) which means that they are mad about something or they are stressed and when someone like that cuts your hair, it will take a long time for your hair to grow back. Trust me. Its like your hair is getting pulled back 2 much. I've been through that and i hated it!! I went to my cousin and let her cut my hair.. then it eventually grew back in a couple of months or so. There's no serious product you should be using but i thinl you should try the NEW shampoo brand, Sunsilk.

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