Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

Should I grow out my hair long or keep it short? Any other suggestions would be helpful.. I'll be heading to asia very soon and may want to go to a hair dresser over there because it isn't as costly as it is over here. My current physical features can be seen here.

Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

defintinely grow it longer.

and later do the wavy gel-ing. :)

Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

definitely grow it out c:

i think yew should keep it until your bangs are like up to your eyebrows or something

:D that would be cool to style

Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

well idk what you look like with longer hair.. but i like your hair lenght now. you can always grow it out and if you don't like it you can just cut it.


Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

think u should grow it

Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

wow, are you my friend's brother or something? you two look almost alike XD keep it short, it's cute!

Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

it should touch ur shoulders

Hair Help! Should I grow out my hair (with Picture)?

grow it. It will look nice.

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