Thursday, November 19, 2009

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

I already have thick hair, just got it cut off fairly short at beginning of summer and want it to grow back quickly. What would happen if I used that Rogaine stuff?

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Using Rogaine won't help your hair grow faster, it will just help it grow thicker. If you want your hair to grow faster there is nothing you can put on it to make it grow faster, it has to come from within your body because... where does your hair come from??? Within your body, deeper than any cream or ointment can reach without going into an empty hair follicle. In that case multi-vitamins are a good source, that's why pregnant woman can grow their hair so fast, its partially due to the hormones but most of it has to do with the prenatal vitamins which are intense multi-vitamins. One thing i found out in college and being broke is that yogurt helps a lot in helping your hair grow fast, i was eating probably 2 a day and my hair and nails were growing like crazy, i cant stand long nails so they were actually making me angry because i had to cut them every week, week and a half. It also makes it very healthy too, my nails were so thick that most people thought that they were acrylics, my hair was so strong that it didn't fall out as often and i needed less haircuts because it became so healthy (but you still need to keep your dead ends trimmed).

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Trim it and eat peanut butter and vitamins.

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

I heard somewhere that tomatos help

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

use of Rogaine is for people who have hair loss not for quicker growth. hair grows on on average of 6 inches a year (some a bit more, some a bit less). eat a balanced diet and you can take vitamins A, D, and E to promote healthy hair and nails.

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

I've never heard of using rogaine for this use.... I know this may sound silly but I swear it works, keep your hair pulled back as much as possible (in a tight pony tail). It's supposed to stimulate the roots... good luck

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

brush your hair 8 - 10 times a day. i did for a month and my hair grew SO fast. especially brush it after you rinse conditioner, and right after you shower. :)

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Okay well there is no way to make your hair grow faster.

Believe me i've tried everything.

I've had short hair over the years because my hair keeps breaking.

To keep it from breaking i use coconut oil

Before I go to bed.

I dampen my hair.

Heat up the coconut oil

%26amp; put it on my scalp and ends of my hair.

This will make your hair strong, smooth,soft,and shiny

so you can keep your hair that already grew :)

Shampoo %26amp; condition the next morning.

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Take Kelp (natural seaweed) it speeds up growth.

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