Thursday, November 19, 2009

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

im a teenager and my style is "scene". i have short choppy hair on the top of my head and long thin hair on the bottom.

i want to grow out the top layer without chopping off the bottom part cuz it took me from 7th grade (shoulderlength) to now (10th grade; middle of my back when straight) to grow it out.

do u have any suggestions?

heres a picture:

(my hair is wavy here but its just to show the layers)

if u could help that would be awsome!


I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Well honey, you are going to have to go through the awful stage of just letting the layers slowly grow into the others. I use to have hair cut so short that it was razor cut in the back and now 3 years later it's in the center of my back. I still have some catching up to do. You can always use headbands, colorful barrettes, etc., to help mask the fact that it quite blend in at the moment. Good luck.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

You can't.

You could try extensions?

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

you just need some support along the way...don't cut it...i won't cut my hair either just have to get through that in between stage where you hate it for a while...thats where ponytails come in....just let it grow and leave it alone...eventually you be very happy with the results

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

let it grow and once and a while get a trim so it looks nice

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

get it laried but tell them to just take about a cm or less the more it dose get cut the faster it will grow

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

there's really nothing you can do, or put in your hair to make it grow quicker then naturally set for your hair...

However, try not too put too much chemicals or products in it... and trim it (not cut, trim - I'm so anal when comes to trimming my hair I freak... lol) every 3 months, like half an inch off... that helps get rid of the dead ends, and it will grow a little fast for a short time... but not like, over night extions type of thing...

Good luck, btw, your hair looks good how it is, don't stress off... just enjoy your summer, and by end of summer there will deff be some growth... :D

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

apply olive oil

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

I can tell you are a smart teenager....

so am not sure why you asking this ???

the way you grow out the top ...NOT CUTTING IT, just let it grow and let the bottom grow as well.....

the bottom will not keep growing to the floor ---PROMISE.

Everyone has a 'maximum" hair growth 'length'.... the hair on your head is considered "terminal"...which means it DIES%26gt;

There are 3 phases... which you probably could care less about.....BUT.......

if you understand it

it can help you understand your hair and its health for the rest of your life... and most teens care more about their hair more than they care about ALGEBRA!!



So your hair has 3 stages of growth...

# 1%26gt; Anagen stage: the longest period of growth lasts for 2-6 years ( this is what determines the length of your hair %26amp; always will)

#2 %26gt; Catagen stage: Period of involution lasts about 2-4 weeks....follicle/cells curl up and get ready to

#3 %26gt; Telogen stage: Is when the hair : RESTS %26amp; SHEDS for approx. 2-4 months ....and it is getting revitilized to begin to sprout and grow from a tiny baby hair to a very long hair once again......

( this is where hair loss and balding begins....when certain hairs do not "start up" again.... do not get revitilized and cannot grow again - not your problem)

which has nothing to do with you my dear!

86% of the scalp hairs are in the Anagen phase

13% in Telogen

and 1 % in Catagen

There are 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on the scalp and normal daily loss in the adult is between 50 %26amp; 100 hairs. Hair on the head grows at apporx. 1cm per month or approx. 1/2 inch every single month..

Now that you have been schooled for the day take tomorrow off and go to the beach!



I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Why don't you leave it?

I think it looks adorable. It'd be a shame to just let it grow out.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

I would razor the ends of the shorter layer to keep it trimmed so it'll grow faster. And razoring it will help it blend into the rest of your hair while you grow it out. hope this helps.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

well i like your hair just how it is but you can always have extentions put in until your hair grows out and you should have your hair trimed about every 3 months. hope this helps!!

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

You told me i can send you a message but it doesnt let me on here.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Just let the layers grow and keep cutting it from the bottom. Doesn't mean you have to cut it short though,but the only way the layers will ever be gone is to keep cutting the bottom. pick a spot on your back of how long you want your length to stay for a while and then have it cut to that spot every couple of months or something. Bring the length up a little if you can stand it. I don't mean shoulder length though. Good luck PS. DO NOT use a razor on your hair,it will make it look thinner and frayed.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Dont go out and buy anything expensive.

First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)

Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)

Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)

Use a teaspoon of every oil and honey,.... a little more if ur hair is long or a little less if ur hair is short

Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed, fortify, reconstruct, moisturize, soften %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!

The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower

You can also use a conditioner but get a light conditioner that wont wiegh ur hair down, becuz u can over condition, I use herbl essences "clean happy" conditioner.

When I do this at nite, I wake up, shampoo %26amp; condition, rinse and style as usual. Has worked for years

You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.


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