Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do I grow my leg hair?

I wore very long tight socks when I was younger. Now past my uncles is almost no hair. My legs are hairy and when I wear shorts it's very noticeable that I have no hair there. Over a couple of years it ripped the hair out and now it won't grow back like normal.

Is there anything I can do to stimulate growth so I can wear shorts again??!

How do I grow my leg hair?

the same thing happened to me. Soak your legs in lemon juice and then put them in an ice bath. Something with the natural chemicals in lemons and the ice water stimulates hair to grow and stimulate new follicles to form.

How do I grow my leg hair?

I suppose you could shampoo your legs like you would your hair and use conditioner and other hair growth products.

very odd questions lol

How do I grow my leg hair?

theres no hair on ur uncles? sorry i think u mean ankles......

i really dont know, hair grow products? good luck

xoxo jordan

How do I grow my leg hair?

im a guy and i take of my hair off i feel embarased if i hv leg hair well im 13 maybe thats why lol

How do I grow my leg hair?

olive oil stimulates hair growth. Just rub it on there every night. BTW, I'm not joking.

How do I grow my leg hair?

that's kinda nasty. let that area breathe. and learn how to spell ankle.

How do I grow my leg hair?

no youre just gonna have to get rid of all your hair

How do I grow my leg hair?

I would gladly trade places w/u!! I have to constantly shave or otherwise remove the hair on my legs past my "uncles!" HA HA!! LOL :))

How do I grow my leg hair?

someone said olive oil, which may work.

I think you should use some exfoiliating products and let the area breath by not wearing tight clothes. Exfoliating the area may stimilulate the area enough to bring back some growth.

How do I grow my leg hair?

okay so may sound weird but this works (well most of the time)

okay shave your legs and it should help the hair come back thicker each time shaved.

How do I grow my leg hair?

shave your legs , then hair will grow

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