Saturday, November 14, 2009

How to grow a beard when you dont have little facial hair follicles?

Reason is bcuz I can't grow a full moustache, the hairs are sparse and wide from each other so there is no density.

As for beard, I have not a single hair follicle/gland on my face other than some hairs above my lips (which i just mentioned).

so is there any way to help me grow a beard? hair implantation? or some drug? sometime that is most economical and least invasive.

How to grow a beard when you dont have little facial hair follicles?

If you really want a beard, buy a fake one and glue it in.

How to grow a beard when you dont have little facial hair follicles?

How old are you? If you're in your teens your hormones have not finished to job yet. You do have hair folicules in your face. Give it time. You'll get hairy in many places including your face, back, genitals, underarms, arms and legs.

How to grow a beard when you dont have little facial hair follicles?

I wish i was you, I'm 16 and I have a full beard, I think everyone should be who they are you can never be happy until you accept that you are who you are, all the posts i see here in health are about penis size, weight etc. Your never going to be 100% happy with the way you want to be, you can only be 100% happy with the way you are, and until you do that your just going to go crazy over fixing things that arnt broken, So what you don't have any facial hair, just be happy with what you've got ok!

Anyway don't waste your money on things like miracle grow formule they wont work. And to my knowlage the only thing that will is hair implant and you don't want to go down that road...

How to grow a beard when you dont have little facial hair follicles?

be patient, it will thicken on its own. if it doesn't be happy, you won't have to shave as often.

and don't let a few hairs dangle on your face until it grows in, it looks stupid.. keep clean shaven until you are sure you can grown a beard or moutache.....

How to grow a beard when you dont have little facial hair follicles?

If u have attained puberty, u might start shaving and see if it improves the situation.

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