Saturday, November 14, 2009

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

waxing, bleaching, sugaring, plucking, stringing....

When you go to the salon to get a trim, have them wax or string the hairs. This way you kill two birds with one stone.

More expensive and not proven for long term health, laser removal or electrolysis.

But whatever you do (I do not think you would, but just in case)....DO NOT shave this area :)


And contrary what someone previously said, waxing and plucking eventually kill the root. Usually for the most part, they grow back finer. They eventually stop growing back. My mother has been sugaring since she was about 18 and now her hair does not grow back. Also some areas of my eyebrows do not grow back, but I have been plucking them for 15 years now. Luckily its the part that I do not want to grow back.

BTW sugaring is like waxing, but more natural, and does not require the heat that wax does. Its using sugar and lemon to create a pasty sticky substance that works like wax. People who like the effects of wax, but are allergic go this route. Its natural, but it is hard to get the process right. Basically you melt sugar in a pan on low heat and add lemon until it thickens. But if there is too much sugar, it will not stick. If there this too much lemon it will get too sticky. So there is an art in this. Once you have mixed, you let it set. Then you freeze the pieces you do not use by placing them in plastic wrap coated with a bit of oil to prevent sticking. Some also use honey instead of sugar. But when you a ready to use the frozen ones, you just let it thaw out or microwave it until it softens. It also uses your body heat to melt. A recent product on the market that uses the same ingredients is Nads, however I think they put some preservatives, but it sugar and honey based.

Good Luck!

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

wax it

閳?br>What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

if they looks nice u leave them alone, if not wax them away

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

Depends on how high above your lip. If too high "Panic".

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT SHAVE IT! it will grow back thicker, darker, and much quicker. I suggest you go to a salon and get an upper lip wax. It will hurt, but it's definately worth it. It shouldn't cost more than $20 and you will look and feel much sexier.

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

How old are you?

My mom has hair above her lip, but she's sixty.

Anyway, a lot of adult women get it. It's really not that uncommon, but most women are insecure about it.

Don't shave it. It's like the hair on your legs - it'll come back thicker, stubblier, and meaner. But worst of all, faster.

My mom gets hers waxed.

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

What you should do is wax it but my warning it hurts. But if it makes you self-conshish tell your mom

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

Wax it. But, if you wax it one time, it will never be the same. You better make sure you are ready for the commitment to wax or pluck any hairs on your face. Once you do, the stop being fine hairs and when they regrow they get harder, denser and for some reason, darker. I started plucking stray hairs, now I am stuck. I now have my face waxed every 4 weeks.

So, if you think you can live with it, then don't pluck or wax. If you can't live with it, wax because it lasts longer.

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

Wax it off or bleach it!!!

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

I find waxing irritates me. I buy a facial cream hair remover. 5 minutes and rinse off. No red, no hair.

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

depends on a couple of things how noticeable is it and how old you are I started waxing at eleven but it was really noticeable and I was getting made fun of so my mom let me try it . it does not hurt a lot but if you think you are not ready do not do it there are many other ways to get rid of it talk to your mom or whoever they will be a big help

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

short light hair is ok but the likes of dark bumfluff is just bad. Wax, shave, even bleach. Whatever you feel is comfortable.

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

well if you have enough money you can look around and see how much it would cost to get the hair removed permanantly thru lazer.. or you can go get that nair cream for the face and you put the cream above your lip where the hair is and leave on for only two minutes and just wipe it off...after doing that for some years it might even not grow never know...i personaly would go with the lazer removal as soon as you can aford it and just use the nair for now...

What do i do when i start to grow hair ubove my lip?

dont shave it!

it will grow back thicker and ull get bumps everywhere

i suggest nair made for ur face

it works well and doesnt leave stubble

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