Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grow out hair?

My Mom said that if I can get my to grow past my shoulders I can dye the ends a purple color.

There is one problem: My hair is barrely and the beginning of my neck.I have relaxed black{the color} hair.{And I am not getting rid of the relaxer}How do I get it to grow

Grow out hair?

Prenatle vitaminsss.

They helped me.


Grow out hair?

cut it and it will grow faster

Grow out hair?

u cant speed the process up , itll grow when it grows

Grow out hair?

You should just wait it out for a little while and get it taken care of at a professional place. Hopefully that will work. Good luck.

Grow out hair?

Do gro. Its a hair care product

Grow out hair?

get hair extensions

Grow out hair?

The only way you can get your hair to grow faster is to be healthy--exercise, eat healthy, etc.

Grow out hair?

trim all the ends... it promotes the hair to grow.

trim every couple weeks, it will gro much faster.

Grow out hair?


look at this'll be 18 before it grows out, then you can do whatever you want with it!

Grow out hair?

wear a wig then get it died

Grow out hair?

Left_nik,the daily nutrition that you ate effect your body,thats includes your HAIR.So eat healthy food,drink lots of water %26amp; fruit juices to make your hair %26amp; skin look better.Find out from your friends what are the elements,vitamins that makes hair grow faster.

Grow out hair?

Go to a professional for deep conditioning treatments. I had "one length" hair years ago. I thought it would never grow. I went to a professional who took the time to care for my hair. She would dry cut my ends every six weeks. My hair grew down my back for the first time in my life and was so healthy.

Grow out hair?

The first thing you want to do keep a regular trim you need to eventually cut all the relaxer off so you hair can grow faster than it can break and to top it off you need to keep the hair that is still relaxed very conditioned and greased so it does not create brakage. than you want to take plenty of prenatal pill THEY REALY WORK, than lastly you want to use DOCTOR MIRICLEs root treatments then give it some time but dont give up it take a while for it to kick in but it is worth it!

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

I was wondering is there anyone out there who's had Gastric Bypass, and did you lose 40-50% of your hair? I had a very thick beautiful mane of hair, and long too, and I've had to cut it to my shoulders because I lost about %50 of my hair. I know it does grow back, but how long did it take before you saw a difference in the thickness of your hair? I have to keep mine up in a barrett because there's no body to it, and it's just mainly strings. How do you style your thinning, or already thinned hair?

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

My sister had gastric bypass surgery. She lost a buttload of weight, but only because the surgeon made the stomach too small, and reverse paristollisis occured. (throwing up) Even water would come back out. She had to have her gall bladder removed because she lost allot of weight very fast. She never had hairloss. My cousin had this same surgery and didn't have any hair loss either... Sorry... My mom is loosing hair, but that is because she has allopecia. She is using Rogaine for men. My sister has since had the procedure reversed for obvious reasons....

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

I am so proud of you!! That is great that you have gotten healthier with the bypass! I bet you feel great....the hair, i don't know!

How do I grow hair all over my body?

I will like a hairy chest, butt, and back specially.

How do I grow hair all over my body?

you can only grow hair in these places if there are hair follicles already there, you have to be born with them...i love a hairy chest, butt and back too, but, my husband only has about "1" hair on his i just try to be thankful for that "1" hair, and focus on the OTHER THINGS HE DOES HAVE!!!.... a stylist

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Thats pretty gross"/ Stick to being hairless.Some people think your more fortunate.But come on why would you want your but to be hairy?

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Eeewwww, gross!!! You can start by shaving the hair thats already there and as you know it will grow back hairer and just keep doing that until you look like a sweater.

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Eww!!! Why??? What do you want to look like? A caveman?

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Ben hairy backs, butts, and chest isnt sexy! (at least it isnt to me)

How do I grow hair all over my body?

a hairy butt, ewwww yucky!

How do I grow hair all over my body?

Ewww!!! Not sexy!!! Well you could shave until it grows back thick, but i dont know why you want to.

How do I grow hair all over my body?

no girls dont like hairy guys

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

I've heard if you yank out hair, the roots become stronger, and therefore even more coarse and stronger hair will grow instead; I've also heard if you shave, the hair will grow thicker and one seems to know the real answer. Anyone here care to give this one a shot? Cite your sources if you can.

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

Waxing works much better than shaving! It lasts longer, because the hair is growing back from root level instead of skin surface level.

For permanant hair removal, try LHR! A friend with very dark hair removed the hair on her face, neck, underarms and legs. (She got a deal because she was a "model" for a cosmetology school.) It worked great and she loves having smooth, hair free skin!

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

I've never "yanked off" hair before, but...I have waxed and shaved. Shaving doesn't make the hair actually grow in thicker or blunts the tip of the hair giving it the appearance of being a thicker strand of hair. When you wax, the hair is removed by the root. When it grows back, it grows back naturally with a thin pointy tip...thus giving the appearance of being a smaller strand of hair. If you wax often enough, eventually the individual hair follicles will stop producing will thin out. If you are looking for permanent hair removal, you should try electrolysis or laser hair removal. Good luck!

Is it better to yank off hair or shave it, if you don't want it to grow back?

yank is better

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

I had my hair really long and it was super cute! I cut it for a change and now it is ugly!!! Can you help me find a way to make it grow faster?? Please HELP!!! all answers are apprecieated!

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

7 ways to make ur hair grow faster:

1.First and foremost, take your vitamins!

then at least eat your way to healthy hair. A well balanced diet of foods rich in vitamin A, B, C and especially E are all essential for growing healthy hair. Foods that are rich in iron and zinc have been proven to encourage hair growth. If you don閳ユ獩 care for beef, try fish, raisins, spinach, beans and yogurt, which are also great sources for protein. Soy is also rich in proteins and has even been found to strengthen hair. Also try prenatal vitamins! They do wonders for not only growing hair, but growing nails as well!

2. Get rid of the dead ends.If you have tons of split ends and you haven閳ユ獩 had your hair trimmed lately, your slowing down your hair閳ユ獨 growth potential. Getting a regular trim at least every few months will keep damaged ends at bay and will allow hair to grow faster.

3.Stimulate the scalp. Increasing the circulation to your head by messaging the scalp can make the hair grow. You can do this by, simply rubbing your fingertips in circular motions against your scalp for 2-3 minutes a day. For an added treat, mix 闄?cup of rosemary and 1 cup of tea together and mix half of this with your normal shampooing to open up scalp pores and increase blood circulation.

4. Get out and move. Everyday stress and no exercise have actually shown slower growth to hair. Getting a good night閳ユ獨 sleep (at least 7 hours) and putting your worries to bed, combined with a daily exercise regimen can improve not only your hair閳ユ獨 growth, but your health as well.

5. Squeaky cleanliness is a must hair essential, not only for growth, but for sanitary reasons as well. If you閳ユ獧e running around with oily roots or a nice big build-up of dirt in your hair, you need to change your routine and shampoo hair at least twice a week to maximize your potential for long hair. While you閳ユ獧e at it, don閳ユ獩 forget to wash your hairbrushes and combs.

6. Treat your hair with care. If you want your hair to grow, you must take care of your hair. Don閳ユ獩 brush wet hair unless you want to damage it. Use a shampoo and conditioner that is specifically formulated for your hair type. Skip the heated styling tools, perms and dyes as often as you can, and avoid any unnecessary rough stuff that can cause your hair to break.

7. Fake it! If you don閳ユ獩 have the patience to wait for your hair to grow, you can always try wearing a hair extension like your favorite celebrity, until your own hair grows to the desired length you閳ユ獧e aiming for.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

When you get in the sun a lot your hair grows faster.

Hope it grows back:)

Also you could think about getting extenions

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

The best thing to do to increase your hair growth is to use a Hair and Nail vitamin. In addition to that, drink lots of water and keep your scalp moisturized.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

take some vitamin supplements,

like biotin %26amp; drink plenty of protein shakes %26amp; water.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

There are vitamins out there that are said to help, I've only tried B12, and I felt like it helped my nails more than my hair. But, my mom and I eat a lot of protein - and our hair and nails grow quicker.

Hair does take a long time to grow though, so just be patient. Maybe while you're waiting for your hair to be the length you like, you could get a cute color that you love while you wait. You should always like your hair it's a fun part of being a girl, I bet a hairstylist could help you find a perfect cut %26amp; color for your hair length right now as you wait for it to grow out.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

I had the same problem...I made the mistake of cutting my hair too short and scraggly and it ended up looking really fug. Theres not much you can do about it, but wait. For now, try massaging jojoba oil into your hair before shampooing and leave it in for as long as possible...remember that it's an oil, so try to do it when you're just at home relaxing. You can buy this oil at trader joe's in the beauty section, it comes in a yellow bottle. Also, keep your hair healthy so that it will grow faster by using a strong conditioner or hair mask once a week. You can use one like Neutrogena's Triple Mousiture Deep Recovery...

It makes your hair really soft and keeps it healthy. For now, try going to a salon and see what they can do about your hair if you're really that unsatisfied, or go through pictures of models with short hair...check out to find models and the way they style their hair. Or, you can even get hair extensions at your local salon, which usually come out looking very natural. Good luck!

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

alright i was a wreslter. for wrestling i had to shave my head but i look way better with like ruff longer hair. so i made it grow really fast. i didnt scrub to hard when i washed, i was nice to my hair. i took hair and nail suppliment, it helped alot. i bet you look good and someone just said something mean to make you self conscious. try extensions, wow i sound gay. ok o well. i am just not afraid to share? i dont know haha. alright best of luck to you

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

avocado+honey+lemon mash em up and massage thru ur hair...brush ur hair allot...

honey i have the same freakin problem and i'm tryin everything but i guess i'll have to wait :_(

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

nothing can make hair grow faster. Hair grows about 1/2" a month.

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

Hey, I thought that you liked your hair that short?

Can some one help me get my hair to grow REALLY FAST?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

I thought it grew everywhere. Maybe that is because I could be related to Bigfoot

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Palm, lips, foot.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Stupid Question! hair is everywhere on a persons body!

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

teeths tongue %26amp; nails :p

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

fingernails, teeth, eyeballs

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Eyeballs, palms, and fingernails %26amp; toenails.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

the top of my head......bottom of my feet ....palms of my hands

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

lols... wat a stupid!!! questnn.. gall!!

palmzz.. eyeball.. lips,, lol

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

eyeballs seem unlikely to have hair growing on them.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

tongue! teeth! sole of feet, palm of hands! that's fouR!

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

My eyes

my fingernails and toenails

top of my head

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Eyes,lips,and palms.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

Eye, tongue, fingernail.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

eyes, lips, palms.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

lips, bottom of feet, and palms of hands

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

1..lips.............2. soles(hmmm i lov to lick gurls soles).........3 tongue(i lov tickling bebes)

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

palms of the hands, bottoms of feet, the nose.

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

1.) lips

2.) palms of your hands

3.) your eyeballs

Name three parts of the body that does not grow hair?

teeth,tongue and nail

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

I currently have neck lenght hair, and i really want to grow it out asap because there is nothing I can do with Any ideas on how to make it grow really long really fast?

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

I take Omega 3 fish oils, calcium and vitamin E and my hair grows well over an inch a month 3inches in two months

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Yeah try different shampoos and Vitamins. I also like to gret mine trimmed on a regular basis. Grows about 3in. a month.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

dont color it, trim it every 6 weeks, try not to blow dry it often,(air dry it) and use aveda shampoo products. Trust me when I say none of the hair vitamins or suppliments work. Be patient, it will get there.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

The only thing I have ever witnessed that worked are prenatal vitamins. Nothing will make your hair grow faster than it is meant to, but prenatal vitamins, taken every day, will help your hair and nails grow.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

healthy diet,healthy skin and healthy hair,stop thinking about it .relax before you know will be time for a cut.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

try not to put your hair up in pony tails or clips, this will sufficate your hairs healthy growing. change shampoos %26amp; conditioners every other 14 days %26amp; also do not wash alot washing strips your hair of its natural oils.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

You should look after your hair and shampoo it at least twice a week. I would suggest pantene pro-v. Oil your hair too. That makes it grow alot.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Lots of Vitamin E

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Prenatal vitamins. They'll help your nails, too.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

Stick your head in horse manure.

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

during ancient times, they would use hair to mesure humidity. My hair grows like weeds. so do my nails. and I live in a very humid place...

Im trying to grow out my hair really quickly. Any suggestions on how i can do that?

well there really isnt any way to make it grow long you can make it look longer by keeping the length and adding shorter layers but the only method that you have to go is to keep getting it trimmed every six weeks to make it look healthy or you could add fake hair

Wild grow hair?

Can anyone find there website for me??

Wild grow hair?

do you mean wild growth hair oil ?? if so

How long does it take for a persian cats hair to grow back?

Hi, I have just got a new persian cat the previos owner has shaved her hair from her body and lerf it on her tail, legs and face.

She looks a little funny at the moment I was wondering how long it will take for the hair to grow back?

How long does it take for a persian cats hair to grow back?

The poor little thing. For it to fully grow in it should take about 2-3 months.

How long does it take for a persian cats hair to grow back?

She should be fully grown back in in about 2-3 months. Their hair grows at about the same rate ours does. The haircut is called a "lion cut" and I think it is quite adorable - especially if you don't have the time for the daily brushings that long hair cats require.

Good luck!

How long does it take for a persian cats hair to grow back?

about 2 mths once it starts to grow make sure u start to brush her so that she dont get matted up again or you find that the new hair grows and knots at same time

How long does it take for a persian cats hair to grow back?

I have my persian cats shaved periodically. It will take about 2 months for the hair to start looking more "normal" It should be fully grown back in about 5 months. Acutally I love the way they look when they are first shaven. It also makes them much more active. Enjoy your cat and keep her well groomed!

How long does it take for a persian cats hair to grow back?

Your cat's previous owners probably didn't comb or brush the cat as much and it probably had a lot of knots. The best remedy is to save the cat from the misery of pulling out the knots is shaving the most knotted areas which is usually the stomach, back and neck. I assure you this is the areas that grows the fastest and need the most attention after wards to keep if from becoming knotted again. We have two Himalayans and we got them from the SPCA/Humane Society. The male was knotted pretty bad and will not let you comb or brush him, so cutting was the only option. The female was knotted, but apparently use to being held like a baby and petted on the stomach, she lets us brush and comb her. Now we have two beautiful cats.The male is actually grooming himself pull out the knots.

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

I already have thick hair, just got it cut off fairly short at beginning of summer and want it to grow back quickly. What would happen if I used that Rogaine stuff?

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Using Rogaine won't help your hair grow faster, it will just help it grow thicker. If you want your hair to grow faster there is nothing you can put on it to make it grow faster, it has to come from within your body because... where does your hair come from??? Within your body, deeper than any cream or ointment can reach without going into an empty hair follicle. In that case multi-vitamins are a good source, that's why pregnant woman can grow their hair so fast, its partially due to the hormones but most of it has to do with the prenatal vitamins which are intense multi-vitamins. One thing i found out in college and being broke is that yogurt helps a lot in helping your hair grow fast, i was eating probably 2 a day and my hair and nails were growing like crazy, i cant stand long nails so they were actually making me angry because i had to cut them every week, week and a half. It also makes it very healthy too, my nails were so thick that most people thought that they were acrylics, my hair was so strong that it didn't fall out as often and i needed less haircuts because it became so healthy (but you still need to keep your dead ends trimmed).

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Trim it and eat peanut butter and vitamins.

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

I heard somewhere that tomatos help

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

use of Rogaine is for people who have hair loss not for quicker growth. hair grows on on average of 6 inches a year (some a bit more, some a bit less). eat a balanced diet and you can take vitamins A, D, and E to promote healthy hair and nails.

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

I've never heard of using rogaine for this use.... I know this may sound silly but I swear it works, keep your hair pulled back as much as possible (in a tight pony tail). It's supposed to stimulate the roots... good luck

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

brush your hair 8 - 10 times a day. i did for a month and my hair grew SO fast. especially brush it after you rinse conditioner, and right after you shower. :)

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Okay well there is no way to make your hair grow faster.

Believe me i've tried everything.

I've had short hair over the years because my hair keeps breaking.

To keep it from breaking i use coconut oil

Before I go to bed.

I dampen my hair.

Heat up the coconut oil

%26amp; put it on my scalp and ends of my hair.

This will make your hair strong, smooth,soft,and shiny

so you can keep your hair that already grew :)

Shampoo %26amp; condition the next morning.

Okay, say you wanted your hair to grow out extremely quick!?

Take Kelp (natural seaweed) it speeds up growth.

How can I get my hair to grow faster?

How can I get my hair to grow a good amount in a small period of time?

How can I get my hair to grow faster?

Things you can do to get hair growing a bit faster. This is a popular question you'd think everyone was going bald. Anyways, try messaging the scalp twice a day with essential oils like rosemary and lavender both prevent hair loss and promotes growth. Also you might want to invest in some MSM I believe it's methyl-sulfonat-methane, it's been proven that it helps with hair growth and joint pain. You might want to disquise the taste with some juice. It's best taken in powder form but there is a pill option. Another thing you can do is make sure you leave your hair alone , put it up in buns , loose ponytails (i stress on loose), also clips without the teeth part (which will ripe hair). All in all these methods will both directly or indirectly help hair grow. This is assuming that you already take good care of your hair. Good luck!

How can I get my hair to grow faster?


How can I get my hair to grow faster?


How can I get my hair to grow faster?

By messaging your scalp with the balls of your fingers. This will help the blood to circulate which stimulates the hair follicles which promotes hair growth. I use a hair oil that contains natural herbs, vitamins to my scalp first then I message it into my scalp and hair.

How can I get my hair to grow faster?

Get it trimmed frequently, like once every two months or once a month.

that helps it grow faster and fuller.

How can I get my hair to grow faster?

the hairdressers say if your hair is healthy and you get 6 weeks trims to keep the dead ends off it will grow better. I've also head that scalp massages stimulate hair folicules. I dont think either works but whatever. Probley your hair has growing cycles just like our bodies and is going to do what it wants. Try hair extentions or clip ons to play with.

How can I get my hair to grow faster?

The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. So try

http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How can I get my hair to grow faster?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

My hair is at least 3 inches from my shoulder, and I want it to be longer. Like, at least 5 inches more. How long will it take for it to grow?...


How long does it take for your hair to grow?

First of all. When growing your hair out.

Your hair splits from the bottom up. This can be caused from poor products, wind, putting your hair up, etc etc etc. Its going to happen.

You have to cut these splits off when theyre small otherwise they will slipt further up the hair shaft and the hair will get brittle and break off.

That said:

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks

Have a little patience

Hair grows on average 1/2 an inch a month. If you cut off 1/2 an inch every 8 weeks to insure it grows evenly and does not break off it will take around 10 months to grow out 5 inches of hair.

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

probably 6 months, at least

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

My hair was cut off near my shoulder.It took me 1 year and a few months for my hair to grow, all the way to down my back.

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

It is pretty typicall that hair grows about 1/2 in every month, though it can be more or less (genetics) My always grows faster in the summer, that is also pretty usual, so for 5 inches you are looking at about 10 months

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

It all depends on your health. Are you getting a balanced diet, with fruits, veggies,and whole grains? Are you drinking enough water,and getting enough sleep? The key trick is to be healthy, and take care of yourself.

Good Luck !

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

Hair grows about 1/2 inch a month so for 5 inches, it'd be about 10 months.

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

maybe like 7 or 8 months hair grows like and inch or half an inch a moth if u take good care of it, but youll need to get your hair cut SOMETIME you know? so just wait and dont think about it

How long does it take for your hair to grow?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

What will make my hair grow faster? especially in a month or 2, besides not using hair dye?

i need something that will make my hair grow faster, because it tends to grow very-- slooooow, lol ,what should i do? :)

What will make my hair grow faster? especially in a month or 2, besides not using hair dye?

How Can I Make My Hair Grow Faster?

The subject I want to discuss today is a question that is often asked and seems to concern many women. It usually comes in two forms; 閳ユ发y hair doesn閳ユ獩 get any longer.閳?and 閳ユ窏ow can I make my hair grow faster?閳?br>

I閳ユ獡 sorry to say that, despite numerous advertising campaigns, there are no magic ointments or quick fix treatments that will make your hair grow faster. The average growth rate is one half inch per month. Sometimes hair does not seem to get longer because the ends are breaking off, making it appear not only, not to grow but even to get shorter. There isn閳ユ獩 anything you can do to increase that, however you can take certain measures to keep your hair as strong as possible.

Let me explain.

The longer your hair is, the 閳ユΖlder閳?the ends of it are. Everyday, wear and tear, such as sun, wind, blow drying, curling irons and other heat styling tools, even shampooing and brushing, all work together to gradually erode each hair. This eventually causes split ends that will, in turn, result in the hair breaking off.

The first step is prevention. Care for your hair as you would any valuable possession. Use a mild shampoo that is recommended for your hair type, such as: oily hair, dry hair, color treated, etc. If you are unsure, seek the advice of a hairdresser. I suggest using a conditioner after every shampoo; again, one that is formulated for your hair type. The conditioner will soften the hair and reduce the amount of wear causing friction between hair strands. Reduce the amount of heat styling you do. Whenever possible, let your hair dry naturally.

Finally, get regular trims. If you are striving for longer hair, see your hairdresser at least every ten to twelve weeks to have one quarter to one half inch trimmed. This will get rid of any budding split ends while, at the same time, allowing for growth.

While making sure these things are taken care of, remember that the hair papilla, where the hair begins, is nourished by blood vessels, so concentrate on a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you are getting the essential nutrients required by your body and promote good circulation with regular exercise and scalp massage.

What will make my hair grow faster? especially in a month or 2, besides not using hair dye?

try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results:

How long does it take 4 the hair 2 grow on your leg when u use nair?

I just started using nair i quit shaving and now is using nair i want to know how long it takes 4 the hair 2 grow try to be exact. Thankz 4 answing!

How long does it take 4 the hair 2 grow on your leg when u use nair?

people say a week.

How long does it take 4 the hair 2 grow on your leg when u use nair?

about 3-4 days

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

We cut her hair short because we were going to Africa for awhile and it would be easier to maintain. We're back home and now she wants to grow it long. But I love her short hair cuz it's unique and different from most kids out there. Plus my husband gets her up in the morning and doesn't know a thing about styling little girls hair (even though I've showed him basic things) What should we do?

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

My mom kept my hair short until I was old enough to brush it myself. You could comprimise by letting her hair grow shoulder-length, but until she gets older and you are the one taking care of it I say keep it short.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

It's her hair, let her grow it long. It's not like she can never cut it again when she decides to grow it out. You may think it's worth it for her to look so cute now, but wait about 6 more years when she's full of resentment from having had you micromanage her life when she was little, and she'll want to get every possible piercing and tattoo and whatnot. You're better off allowing her the freedoms that won't hurt her now (like how long her hair is or what she wears to school), than have her rebel big time down the road. Besides, long hair is cute too.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

Why not you teach your little girl to style her own hair instead? The very fact that she wants to grow her hair out suggests that she's growing up too. Have trust in her that she can maintain her appearance well.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

Let her grow her hair - it's part of her development to be able to have small choices, to look after her hair is something that she can start to do, simple choices at this age can give her confidence as she grows older. If she doesn't like it then she can have it cut. Is it such a bad thing to allow her hair to grow.

My son has long hair at age 7, he grows it then wants it cut, I allow him to have that decision in his life because it is one that he can make. I nearly died when he decided to have a mullet hair style but when he had it done at the hairdressers he changed his mind - without coersion.

It won't hurt, really, I promise!

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

I say give her a chance to grow her hair long.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

let her grow her hair. She's a little girl and she needs change in her looks.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

I think little girls should have long hair, or atleast hair long enough to have clips and ribbons. You might think she looks cute but looking back at pictures over time she'll wish she had ribbons and pigtails like all little girls.

Small things like hair are a huge issue for children. On the days your husband gets her up she can maybe just brush her hair and wear a head band or clips - something easy.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

Tell her if she wants it long that is fine but she has to learn how to take care of it too.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?

It's her hair let it grow if she wants it long. Your husband can learn to care for it. You may like it short but you won't love her less when it's long.

My little girl (6) wants to grow her short hair long.?


How can i get my hair 2 grow?

how can i get my hair to grow faster? is there any products i can use?

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

Hi, I actually read this really good article about ways to make your hair grow faster, you'll find more useful information there I'm sure:

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

The only thing to do would be to take Hair-Skin-Nails Vitamins from Vitamin Shoppe (or GNC).

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

play with it

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

yea, use coconut oil... or hair growing oil... works everything. the smell is foul but it gets the work done...

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

You can either take vitamins, or get extensions. Or you can be patient and wait!

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

When u apply ur shampoo when u take a shower, massage the shampoo onto ur scalp, this works very well and it is recommended by most hair stylists:) good luck

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

NO PRODUCT but their is a naturaly way belive me and trust me when i say this link will help! IT WILL HELP YOU SO MUCH! IT WILL MAKE YOUR HAIR LONGER! follow these steps and your hair will be longer! SERIOUSLY! i tried it!

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How can i get my hair 2 grow?

As a stylist, I also have several other tips to thicken and increase the growth of your hair. If you follow these, your hair should be in tip top shape in no time.

Assess whether you live an unhealthy lifestyle or use traditional drugstore hair products that contain alcohol and sulfates. If you do, you can potentially be stunting your hair growth. Switch to an all-natural hair growth product and follow the tips below. You will see a difference.

Tip #1: Change your diet.

Increase your intake of proteins. Eat fish, eggs, beans, yogurt, and cheese. Drink a soy protein shake daily.

Tip # 2: Drink plenty of water

6-8 glasses is a must. 8-12 is even better.

Tip #3: Get your vitamins

Take a B Complex, Fish Oil, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Tip #4: Only use an all-natural hair growth or hair thickening shampoos and conditioners

There are several good natural shampoos on the market, such as Aubrey Organics and Giovanni. However, I have used A Double Portion Super Hair Growth Shampoo on my hair loss clients because it is created specifically for hair growth and I have seen substantial results in a matter of month. It is full of hair growth promoting essential oils, sage, cayenne, neem, jojoba, and aloe. For my clients that used it, their hair got thicker, longer, and softer. You can find it online at It is great shampoo just for making your hair more manageable and smooth as well.

Tip #5: Place as little heat and chemicals on your hair as possible. No hair coloring please.

Tip #6: Live a stress free life.

Tip #7: Get your blood flowing

Aerobic exercise stimulates blood circulation throughout the entire body, including the scalp. This is important for hair growth. Also, consider massaging your scalp for 5-10 minutes a day with warm olive or coconut oil. It will accentuate your hair growth as well.

How do you get your hair to grow faster?????

I want to grow out my hair faster, but I don't know how. Anyone have any advice?

How do you get your hair to grow faster?????

Okay, this may sound like it totally defeats the purpose, but many people have told me that if you trim your hair a bit, it'll grow faster. Like say, trim an inch or less.

How do you get your hair to grow faster?????

my hair dresser told me to braid it right after shampooing it because it kinda locks in the nutrients or something

but anyways, we have like the same avatar! haah wierdd

How do you get your hair to grow faster?????

eat more protein. the protein compound Creatin is what is in your nails and hair folicles its makes them grow so the more you eat the faster it grow but seeing how we are talking milimeters a day dont expect an afro the next day

How do you get your hair to grow faster?????

get some vitamin e from walmart or walgreens or something

How do you get your hair to grow faster?????





How do you get your hair to grow faster?????

Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

I asked a couple of friends if maybe I should grow out my hair or not, and I've had a lot of varied answers between yes and no. But frankly, I'm not sure if I should or not, although, I've wanted to try it a couple times, but was afraid it might look funky on me.

Here's the most recent picture of myself. I am full blooded Korean and am currently 18 years old.

And here's a picture of the hairstyle that I'm leaning towards in the future:

I've heard varied opinions from all my friends, and I would like to hear yours to help settle this decision. Respective replies will be most appreciated. Thank you.

Also: For those with experience with growing out your hair, can you lend me your advice on managing your hair and how to grow it out properly? I have not much experience with hair care, so maybe I can learn from your advice. :) Thank you.

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

In my opinion you look better now, but whether you cut it or not it's up to you. I know a guy who has the same haircut you want...maybe a little longer...and he always seems upset because his hair is always on his face. This could also lead to breakouts from the oil from you hair (which is full of bacteria) being deposited on your face. If you do decide to grow it go ahead, you can always cut it if its a problem, and that way you won't wonder for the rest of your life what might have happened. I have waist-length hair, but I really don't know what to tell you to make it grow faster since I don't do anything. My hair grows fast naturally. I guess you could eat healthy foods (proteins, vitamins) and massage your skull. The thing about hair is that it is essentially dead protein, so technically it can't be "healthy". What you can do is make you follicles (the alive part) healthier and make your hair look better with products appropriate for your particular hair type.

Hope this helps and good luck! ;-)

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

i think you look much better with the hair you have now.

making it grow will look bad on you..(no offense meant) it juz that i think you look more neat with your short hair. (",)

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

yes, why not! try it and if you don't like it, you can always go back to short hair. (i specially like the highlights in the long hair.) you must be prepared to use product to tame your mane while it's growing out e.g. slick it back with hair wax.

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

you are good now. don't grow your hair...........

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

Do what you want...the good thing about growing your hair out is that you can always cut if if you don't like it. If you had long hair and thought about cutting would take time to grow it back out if you didn't like the style. I once had my hair reach my jaw, nothing much advice to give...just use the shampoo you like and conditioner if you want. You might have to think about using the hairdryer (I never used it), but letting your hair dry naturally works too. Be prepared for more bedhead in the morning, and realize that gel won't be used with hair that long (maybe moose?).

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

It's hard to say but your current picture kinda makes you look like a serious kinda guy and the second picture doesn't really go with serious have to find a cut and style that goes with your personality. I personally like guys with long hair but it has be right and it has to be their personality, otherwise I'd tell them to shave it and go bald!!

If you do decide to go for the longer hair, note that there is always a tweeking stage when it looks funny before it gets to a length that doesn't look funky (funky as in bad that is). Sometimes gel helps during that stage.

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

Yes, this style will suit you and, if not exactly the same style as on this man in the photo, you can try a variation of this style. It is a very popular Asian hair style, I want my friend to have it but he insists on neat and short hair- the way yours is currently.

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

i think since it is just hair you should do whatever makes you feel good, just remember there will be the 'in between' time while your hair hair is growing and the extra maintenance that comes with longer hair. I don't think you have much to lose since if you don't feel comfortable with it you can always change back. good luck.

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

hey try it and if you get there and dont like it cut it back off at least you tried! but its gonna be hard because you have very straight hair! good luck to you x

Wondering if I should grow out my hair... what do you think (picture inside)?

I like long hair for you.

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

okay i really need some advice on what to do with my hair. I dont know if i want to cut it short or keep growing it out. Bangs? any style ideas? please help!

heres a pic: im the one on the left with the blue and black shirt on :D

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

use one of those online photo programs that puts your pic on different styles so you can see what it looks like before getting it cut... if you dont want to try that, pick a cut is that is not drastic with bangs and then if you dont like it it wont take as long to grow out.... another good idea, is to go to a good salon and let the stylist pic something for your face shape, hair and eye color, age and skin tone...

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

grow our

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?


Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

bangs with bob hair.u wil look awesome and u will even look younger :)

good luck :)

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

cut short

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

cut short, because of your face shape longer hair might not fit it

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

hi Ash...ur hair's awsome...u shud either think of growing it a little more longer or leave it as shoulder lengthed as it is.

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

go for summin new maybe a bob cut ask your hair dresser i think a side frinde would suite you as it wouldnt make ur face look so pulled down :D

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

highlights would look great, or a total color change to a lighter brown would go well with your face. no bangs, might make your face look chubby. try long layers with the top layers highlighted a nice brownish-red

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

id say grow it out.

idk what your style is so i cant really get more specific but look at for ideas

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

Grow it..

You're pretty, btw :D

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

I think you look very cute as it is, dont let the opinions of others influence what makes you feel good about yourself,thats what i try to teach my daughter(10) go for it what ever makes YOU happy...personally i like long hair....merry christmas!!!!

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

Cut it shorter, you have a longer face shape so if you grow it out your face will start to longer, like a horse face.

A bob would look very cute on you!

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

grow it out first then if it feels that it does not suit you the cut it

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

keep it long..i dont even have to see the pic..I SAY GROW IT LONG!

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

keep it long

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

i think you need to get layes or more and grow it out, also get bangs that swipe across your head you can find those in any magazine especially seventeen

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

i think u should let it grow and get it into layers

or cut it short for a change

it will groww baqq


Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

dont know wich one you r but i like both of yalls hair just the way it is and texas is great!!!! Ha HA i read your myspace thing!

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

grow it out

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

keep it long.... cut it in bob or layers

Grow out hair or cut it short? (pic)?

I think long hair would be really cute on you,but just decide what you think is best.

Hair grow?

how can you make your hair grow faster? is it possible?

Hair grow?

fish oil and vitamen E are great for hair, skin and nails not to mention the ever so important WATER!!!! However, your hair is always growing it is really a matter of keeping it healthy and trimming it every three months, and keeping a healthy diet because if your hair is unhealthy, it is breaking off as fast as it is growing so you won't notice any growth. Alot of fish in your diet supposedly helps too.

Hair grow?

Drink milk and eat your greens.

Hair grow?

prenatal pills

Hair grow?

nope sorry!

ur hair grows an average of have a inch every month

u just gotta wait

Hair grow?


Hair grow?

Drink lots of water. and people also say that working out can work.

Hair grow?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

WHwat do u do inbetween waiting for hair to grow out before you can wax??

well i have quite hairy legs and i dont want to shave cuz that would make it worse, so i wax exept i have to wait for it to grow quite a bit before i can wax again..whats a better way??! HELp (and also is it worth gettin g laser hair removal..or is it not gud 4 u??)

WHwat do u do inbetween waiting for hair to grow out before you can wax??

you only need a little stubble to wax, just shave... or go ahead and wax

i wouldn't do the laser removal yet.... we should wait and see if it causes some terrible disease and a class action lawsuit first

WHwat do u do inbetween waiting for hair to grow out before you can wax??

Shaving does NOT make the hair on your legs thicker, darker, whatever.

Just shave, hon. You can have silky smooth legs everyday and it's less painful and less expensive.

WHwat do u do inbetween waiting for hair to grow out before you can wax??


it doesnt make it that bad.. i mean its leg hair

everyone shaves

and apply cream/moisturizer after each shave

to maintain that clean fresh look

WHwat do u do inbetween waiting for hair to grow out before you can wax??

There isn't much that you can do in between waxings. It is best at a length which is between 1/8" and 1/4" long before you wax it. Personally, I just wait it out.

If you are waxing your legs, and are happy with the results, then I would not suggest shaving. That doesn't last long at all. Plus, you could easily get razor burn, and ingrown hairs are more common with shaving.

Laser hair removal is a good, but expensive method of hair removal. It is not permanent. Once the initial series of treatments have been completed, you will have to go for maintenance treatments, though not very often at all.

The only proven method of permanent hair removal is electrolysis. But it will take many treatments before the hair is totally gone for good. And if you have a lot of hair on your legs - as you said you do, then it will take a lot longer for each individual session. It is also the most expensive method, but the results are permanent.

I'd stay with waxing if I were you.

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

I going to wed and i recently cut my hair, so i need to know when its going to grow back

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

it depends on type of food , try more fruits and vegetables , it will grow quickly , I'm expert

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

Not long. For 4 cms I would say 2-3 weeks.

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

It depends, based on our race and type, its estimated to grow 4 cm in about 1 1/2 months. 10 cm will take 3 1/2 months. Thats an average Singaporean's rate. :P

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

Typically, a persons hair grows back about 3 inches per year. Some people's hair grows quicker than others. Hope that helped!

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

i had cut my hair and it grew 2 or 4cm a month

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

This website should be helpful

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

4-10 months. your hair grows a 1 cm a month so in a year it will have grown 6 inches.

How long does it take for hair to grow to 4-10cms?

It depends on your hair type. Is it course, extra course,fine,or extra fine? My hair is course because of my race but my hair is permed so it grows very quickly so my hair grows about 4 inches per week

What is the best herbal shampoo and condtitoner that indians use to grow hair?

Hi, I actually read this really good article about herbal hair care, you'll find more useful information there I'm sure:

What is the best herbal shampoo and condtitoner that indians use to grow hair?

Shampoos and Conditioners clean and protect hair. They can repair external damage. However, they do not "grow" hair. Hair growth depends on genetics and your nutrition.

How can you use an avocado to grow hair?

if you let the avocado get rly moldy it'll start to grow hair!

How can you use an avocado to grow hair?

omg u just take the soft green part put it on a plate mix it and make it feel a little like lotion. i tried that it really works put it on ur roots and ur ends mostly leave it for like and hr or so then wash ur hair. do it once every month for 3 months.

How can you use an avocado to grow hair?

avocado-is a deep-conditioner

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Haircare Recipes

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How can you use an avocado to grow hair?

hi, how abt going for hair treatment instead?you can go to 88db website and search for list of hair salons where you can go for hair treatment to grow hair, you can also search for hair products that help to grow hair

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

im a teenager and my style is "scene". i have short choppy hair on the top of my head and long thin hair on the bottom.

i want to grow out the top layer without chopping off the bottom part cuz it took me from 7th grade (shoulderlength) to now (10th grade; middle of my back when straight) to grow it out.

do u have any suggestions?

heres a picture:

(my hair is wavy here but its just to show the layers)

if u could help that would be awsome!


I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Well honey, you are going to have to go through the awful stage of just letting the layers slowly grow into the others. I use to have hair cut so short that it was razor cut in the back and now 3 years later it's in the center of my back. I still have some catching up to do. You can always use headbands, colorful barrettes, etc., to help mask the fact that it quite blend in at the moment. Good luck.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

You can't.

You could try extensions?

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

you just need some support along the way...don't cut it...i won't cut my hair either just have to get through that in between stage where you hate it for a while...thats where ponytails come in....just let it grow and leave it alone...eventually you be very happy with the results

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

let it grow and once and a while get a trim so it looks nice

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

get it laried but tell them to just take about a cm or less the more it dose get cut the faster it will grow

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

there's really nothing you can do, or put in your hair to make it grow quicker then naturally set for your hair...

However, try not too put too much chemicals or products in it... and trim it (not cut, trim - I'm so anal when comes to trimming my hair I freak... lol) every 3 months, like half an inch off... that helps get rid of the dead ends, and it will grow a little fast for a short time... but not like, over night extions type of thing...

Good luck, btw, your hair looks good how it is, don't stress off... just enjoy your summer, and by end of summer there will deff be some growth... :D

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

apply olive oil

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

I can tell you are a smart teenager....

so am not sure why you asking this ???

the way you grow out the top ...NOT CUTTING IT, just let it grow and let the bottom grow as well.....

the bottom will not keep growing to the floor ---PROMISE.

Everyone has a 'maximum" hair growth 'length'.... the hair on your head is considered "terminal"...which means it DIES%26gt;

There are 3 phases... which you probably could care less about.....BUT.......

if you understand it

it can help you understand your hair and its health for the rest of your life... and most teens care more about their hair more than they care about ALGEBRA!!



So your hair has 3 stages of growth...

# 1%26gt; Anagen stage: the longest period of growth lasts for 2-6 years ( this is what determines the length of your hair %26amp; always will)

#2 %26gt; Catagen stage: Period of involution lasts about 2-4 weeks....follicle/cells curl up and get ready to

#3 %26gt; Telogen stage: Is when the hair : RESTS %26amp; SHEDS for approx. 2-4 months ....and it is getting revitilized to begin to sprout and grow from a tiny baby hair to a very long hair once again......

( this is where hair loss and balding begins....when certain hairs do not "start up" again.... do not get revitilized and cannot grow again - not your problem)

which has nothing to do with you my dear!

86% of the scalp hairs are in the Anagen phase

13% in Telogen

and 1 % in Catagen

There are 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on the scalp and normal daily loss in the adult is between 50 %26amp; 100 hairs. Hair on the head grows at apporx. 1cm per month or approx. 1/2 inch every single month..

Now that you have been schooled for the day take tomorrow off and go to the beach!



I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Why don't you leave it?

I think it looks adorable. It'd be a shame to just let it grow out.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

I would razor the ends of the shorter layer to keep it trimmed so it'll grow faster. And razoring it will help it blend into the rest of your hair while you grow it out. hope this helps.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

well i like your hair just how it is but you can always have extentions put in until your hair grows out and you should have your hair trimed about every 3 months. hope this helps!!

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

You told me i can send you a message but it doesnt let me on here.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Just let the layers grow and keep cutting it from the bottom. Doesn't mean you have to cut it short though,but the only way the layers will ever be gone is to keep cutting the bottom. pick a spot on your back of how long you want your length to stay for a while and then have it cut to that spot every couple of months or something. Bring the length up a little if you can stand it. I don't mean shoulder length though. Good luck PS. DO NOT use a razor on your hair,it will make it look thinner and frayed.

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

I need help on how to grow out my hair without cutting it.?

Dont go out and buy anything expensive.

First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)

Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)

Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)

Use a teaspoon of every oil and honey,.... a little more if ur hair is long or a little less if ur hair is short

Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed, fortify, reconstruct, moisturize, soften %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!

The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower

You can also use a conditioner but get a light conditioner that wont wiegh ur hair down, becuz u can over condition, I use herbl essences "clean happy" conditioner.

When I do this at nite, I wake up, shampoo %26amp; condition, rinse and style as usual. Has worked for years

You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.


Have anyone use fast grow hair vitamins by exotic allure?

sounds great, thanks.

Have anyone use fast grow hair vitamins by exotic allure?

you know that the vitamins usually dont work....the only way to have longer hair is to get your hair cut to trim off the dead ends but if you think it works for you it would be good to go with it

Does "Kevis" grow hair?

I have been using kevis for almost a year. I can see lots of new hair growth. The way I understand it is that when you lose your hair, it shrinks over time util it falls out and the folicle goes dormant for max 5-7 years then dies. As long as you can stimulate the folicle by eliminating the dht, then the folicle will start growing back. When it grows back, it is like baby hair. It has to strengthen itself before it thickens. Basically it's a reversal process. I have all kinds of Baby hair (amagen), but I imagine it will take time to thicken up. I shave my head with clippers, so when it gets darker, I will let it grow again.

Does "Kevis" grow hair?

who is kevis

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

i'm south african my hair is breaking it's dry and it doesnt grow what can i do please help.

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

hair can never stop growing. the only thing that happens is that the speed of its growth reduces. if u want that Ur hair should have a better growth then u must have food rich in proteins. the best food for hair growth is cereals and pulses. during ur free time or while reading u can keep munching dry fruits like almonds and all different kinds of nuts that waters ur mouth the most. drink lots and lots of water everyday and keep ur stomach clean. u can also apply a paste of any pulses u have handy at home mixed with vitamin e taken from the capsules as a pack once or twice a month if u have time. and don't forget to keep Ur hair clean as well. wash it twice a week and apply almond and coconut oil mixed together on ur hair, 1 hour before u wash ur hair. u will see excellent results in not less than one month.

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

Take prenatal vitamins and drink lots of milk and eat lots of greens and vegetables. You will start to see results!

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

plenty of water and eat foods high in protein

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

Hot oil usually helps bring back the moisture in the hair but drinking enough water also does. Food rich in vitamin B12 is responsible for the growth and strength of your hair. Nowadays you can find milk enriched with B12. Beer also contains B12.

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

use aloe vera

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

eat alot of protien and daily vitamins

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

I don't think there is anything out there that you can eat or drink to make your hair grow. You can eat right like fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to get the proper nourishment to help aid in the growth of your hair. Sorry I couldn't be more help

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

When you wash your hair, do you use a conditioner? You need some moisture in your hair so it does not break. Put some baby oil in your hair and leave it in for about 5 hours(do this on a day that you don't have to work)..and hopefully the babyoil will help your hair with some moisture(then wash it out with shampoo and conditioner).. My hair stylist told me to use about 10 egg yolks on my hair(leave it in for 6 hours) and that will give it a good protein boost.(and of course wash it out using shampoo and conditioner)

You might want to use a more expensive shampoo and conditioner(it might be better for your hair)

You can eat meat, beans, fish, chicken, fruit, vegetables, drink milk, and drink lots of water..and hopefully that will help your hair !

Good Luck! :-)

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

i used to take prenatal vitamins for my hair and nails, but then i found GNC Hair, Skin, %26amp; Nails supplement and i love it! My hair grows at least 2 inches a month now (no joke!) and my nails are strong and super white. It takes a few weeks to notice the difference, but it's definately worth the wait. These things are amazing!

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

You need a deep penetrating conditioner, something that will replace any amino acids in your hair that have been lost. You also should start buying shampoos and conditioners that have a PH balance of 4.5-5.5. That is the acidity of your hair. Some mass production lines are too strong for hair and will eventually leave a build up on it.

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

Go to Sallys Beauty supply and get a product called Do Gro, it is an oil that is so good for your hair. Buy some disposable shower caps and saturate your hair with the oil and leave it in as long as you can. Make sure you are using a really good shampoo and conditioner. It is really worth it. For a few weeks use as little heat or drying products on your hair as possible to give it a break and to speed up the results you are looking for. As for foods, eat lots of lean proteins like fish, chicken, nuts, eat lots of fruits and vegis and drink tons on water. I would also recomend taking biotin supplements. They are specifically for your skin and hair. Take a regular multi vitamin and you should see some results in a few weeks to a month.

What should i drink or eat for my hair to grow?

Lots and lots of water!And eat foods with a lot of protein in em'.

This is a crazy question, but I am dying to know. Can a brain grow hair?

that's a good question. I'm assuming yes because every part of the body can grow hair. And plus, the hair folicals start at the scalp. And the scalp is protecting the skull, which protects the brain, and hair protects sensitive areas. Hope this helps!

This is a crazy question, but I am dying to know. Can a brain grow hair?

um i dont think so but it will be funny if it did

This is a crazy question, but I am dying to know. Can a brain grow hair?

hahaha....i dont think so...but i guess excess hair growth on my brain would explain why im so stupid. guess is it would be like excess fluid in the skull and destroy all brain processes.

This is a crazy question, but I am dying to know. Can a brain grow hair?


What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to

plz tell me cuz i want to learn more about myself. i'm 14 yrs old. am i still going through puberty? when will i stop growing? I'm about 5 7 or taller. what do u think my height will be?

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

Dude. Just chill out. My BF is possibly the hairiest guy on the planet. There is no rush to get hairy - It's not that great! haha! You are still going through puberty and you will eventually get hair under your arms. If you are comparing to someone you know...then stop! Everyone is different and things happen at different times and different stages to everyone!

It will happen eventually!!!

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

You are just going through puberty so it is hard to tell you how tall you will be in 6 years when you will probably end puberty. (Maybe even longer) Also, yes, you will grow hair on your armpits, nuts, face, chest, ect. All you have to do it wait.

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

You are just starting puberty. Usually puberty ends around the age of 20 or 21. Actually by that age you do not anymore call it puberty since you are old enough. However the climax of puberty is around the ages of 16 and 17. Some teens really starts growing fast. Some of my short friends outgrew me at that age.

Hairs on armpit? Depends, I think some does not grow any arm pit hairs. It really depends on your genes or is inherited. Speaking of inherited, I assume your father or mother is a tall person. 5'7 at your age is quite tall. Whatever your father or mothers height is, expect to outgrow them by a few inches or in some cases 5 inches more.

Check this article about American Average Height

What does it mean when i'm growing hair around my *thing* but not on the armpit? am i going to grow hair onit

Well realx and think that you can grow and become more hairy until your even 18 or 19. So hair may go everywhere. It's better if you have less hair though so you don't have to trim it and look like a hairy-back monster dude.

Make hair grow fast?

my friend is trying to grow out her hair and fast, any suggestions...?

Make hair grow fast?

tell her to take vitamins or pills....heard that they make hair grow faster...also tell her to stay away from junk food %26amp; eat healthy food including water %26amp; has to be very healthy...if it has hairfall,dandruff,split ends etc , it will slow the growth, so the hair should be very clean %26amp; healthy.. also tell her to be stress-free %26amp; take care of her hair properly...

massaging the hair for 3-5 mts before going to bed is really good for the hair.........

include meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots,raw seeds and nuts, dried beans,strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes, dark green vegetables, hole grains, liver, citrus fruits,fish, chicken, meat etc in the diet...

here are some home remedies-

1)beat an egg, wet hair %26amp; massage this to hair. wash off after 1-2 hrs. Egg acts as a conditioner for your hair, it also strengthens %26amp; thickens hair.

2)Rinsing hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and sage tea helps hair to grow.

3) to control dandruff, mix1 tspn of Fenugreek seed powder with an egg. Apply and leave for 闄?an hour before shampooing the hair.

4) Honey Mask for Damaged hair---

Mix 2 tbsp. honey with castor oil, 1 yolk of egg, 1 tbsp. rum, 1 ampoule vitamin A or vitamin D. Mix all the ingredients together into a creamy texture. Apply the mask to the

roots and then slowly distribute along the length and ends. Wrap your hair with a plastic wrap and leave it on for approximately 2 hours. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

5) Hair Mask for Thin Hair ---

You will need: 1 tbsp. oat flakes, 1 tbsp. castor oil / or almond oil/, 1 tbsp. milk and vitamin D / vitamin A/. Mix the ingredients carefully and apply to the entire hair.

Leave the mask on for around 4 hours and then rinse thoroughly.

hope this helps!

Make hair grow fast?

just keep it healthy. try not to straighten/curl or put mousse/ gel or hair spray so it won't get split ends and it'll grow way faster

Make hair grow fast?


Make hair grow fast?

just dont play in your hair a lot

Make hair grow fast?

Take prenatal vitamins. They are avaliable over the counter.

Make hair grow fast?

depends what type of hair it is...

if it is brown or black hair then wash your hair with vinegar when you have a shower.

if it is blonde, red, orange use white vinegar.

if it is dyed then it will only grow an 8th of the length it usually is, so get the dye out if you have dyed hair.

Make hair grow fast?

I heard that brushing your hair after you get out of the shower and before you go to bed can help the growing process.

Make hair grow fast?

I started take B6, B12 and B Complex for other health reasons. My hair was about to the middle of my back. Within a few months, it was down to my waist. I take one of each once a day, like you would normal vitamins. I believe that is what made mine grow and, also, I sleep on a satin pillow case, which is smooth against the hair to prevent breakage. Also, use good products on the hair. I really believe it was the vitamins though. Good luck to her and remind her that hair on an average grows almost an inch a month anyway.

Make hair grow fast?

hair grows at it's own pace.

you can't speed it up or slow it down.

and it's winter.

meaning hair will grow slower then normal.

just tell your friend to be patient.

in a few months, she'll notice her hair isn't that short anymore !

Make hair grow fast?

Massage your scalp, you can do this in the shower when you shampoo your hair.

It stimulates hair growth :)

How can i get my hair to grow really fast?

i want my hair to be about and inch or two longer then it is now

bnut i want it to be that long by new years.

is there any way that i can have it grow that much in such a short amount of time?

How can i get my hair to grow really fast?

I find my hair 'looks' longer when I get it straightened at the hairdressers!

Otherwise massage your scalp or hang upside down to get blood circulating to your head. I've heard that it stimulates hair growth

How can i get my hair to grow really fast?

sorry sweetie, I don't think there's a way.

Hair grows at it's own pace. All you can do is drink a lot of water and eat healthy to make your hair healthy and shiny =)

How can i get my hair to grow really fast?

No you can expect it to grow so soon. On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How can i get my hair to grow really fast?

Good hair starts with good internal health. When your diet is good, you will grow hair at a brisk rate and it will be shiny and full bodied. Try going to your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what they recommend for a good hair supplement. Try not to take any pills for hair growth, your body will do a fine job on its own. You might want to try something topical, I閳ユ獫e had success using a product called Provillus, good luck.

How can i get my hair to grow really fast?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Why do humans grow hair?

To help maintain body warmth. If you think about the caveman , they were alot hairier. They didn't have as many ways of staying warm as we do. They had to hunt animals to get th skin to cover their bodies and learn to build fires. As human evolution goes on we lose more and more hair since we don't really need it. We have adapted throughout the years.

Why do humans grow hair?

Pretend I'm god

Ohh I'm sorry son, you didn't want to grow long beautiful hair?

Just pretend he's talking to everybody and they say no and then everybody would be bald.

Why do humans grow hair?

we evolved from having oodles of hair- and the first reason, was for warmth.

thats still why we have so much hair on our heads- to keep the head and more importantly the brain warm.

hair in other places keeps dirt and dust out, and im sure helps a little bit in the sensation of touch. :)

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

Does anyone have any tips on how to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair and cost too much money in a short time by D.I.Y? Some say wash your hair more offen. Is it true?

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

Some formula

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?


How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

You should put oil in it (coconut works best) because it goes in and makes it nice and lenthy and shiny ( im a girl i shoul know)

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

theres many shampoos that can help you with that

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

You need to get it trimmed reguarly. It makes it grow more healthier. I hate that.

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?


How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

firstly heat up cocunut oil and castor oil apply on scalp leave it overnight. next morning apply shikakai paste leave on for atleast 1 hr. wash off with a herbal or natural shampoo. when u cut ur split ends just cut a little.

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

The bad news is that there is no wonder product that makes your hair grow faster.

But ask any stylist and they will say the same... get your hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks improves it's health and promotes hair growth.

Good Luck!

How to let your hair grow even longer without damaging your hair in a short time?

Healthy hair grows about 1/2inch a month. You can't speed the process up.

You still need to have it trimmed periodically, to keep the split ends in check, so that it continues to grow.

Consider adding extentions if you absolutely must have longer hair by a certain date/time.

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

i want my hair to grow longer in a short amount of time without getting extensions

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

certain brushes brake your hair and also if you straiten it a lot and or tie it in the same spot every day you can try not doint that but at the same time use mane' n tail

it helps keep your hair strong and stops it from braking

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

you can't control your hair growth speed

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

no proven way...just treat ur hair good

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

after taking a shower pull your hair and dry it and keep doing that it work for me ....

and i smell good at the end

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

My sister and i both started using Hair plus, i found it online, pretty pricey but we both measured where our hair ended when we started and how much it *moved* a month later and so on and it was truly working but we dont know how, lol.

This is probably it but without seeing the bottle i cant know for sure and of course there are plenty of promised ones like this because another one i bought another time didnt work for crud.

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

Hair is continuously growing and is being shed simultaneously. Home made beauty recipes based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve hair growth. The luster in your hair will depend on what you eat and also on how you treat it. To Know more about your hair will help you

How do you get your hair to grow longer fast?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results. Check the source for more information and review.

How do you grow african nappy hair?

I have been trying to grow out my hair for a long time but it doesn't seem to grow what can I do?

How do you grow african nappy hair?

Here is a website for naturals:

How do you grow african nappy hair?

Is this sarcasm?

How do you grow african nappy hair?

you water a nappy headed hoe

How do you grow african nappy hair?

not all people can grow it, you have to be naturally nappy in order to get nappy hair.

a lot of American blacks are too watered down to get a truly nappy 'fro.

How do you grow african nappy hair?

While you could get something that makes hair grow- otherwise you're just stuck with waiting, some hair just doesn't grow quickly if you want you could get extentions .

How do you grow african nappy hair?

Apply Honey.

How do you grow african nappy hair?

get braids with weave

How do you grow african nappy hair?

My uncle did that- put it in braids (dreads) and use this African oil recommended at stores - i cant be sure of what it is now but ill call him and ask him and post it later. hope this helped!

How do you grow african nappy hair?

try getting extinsions and interweave them into your own hair and use alot of hair food/grease like sulfur 8 medicated original formula anti-dandruff hair%26amp;scalp conditioner once you have your extinsions intwined with your hair your hair will start to grow but allways use the grease to feed your hair ok good luck hope i helped

How do you grow african nappy hair?

Have you cut off if any relaxed hair? Braids will help it grow. Two strands twist, bantu and cornrolls. S-Curl is a good moisturizer to use and olive oil is a good seal or carrot. This is my favorite site check it out the ladies are into growing healthy and long hair.Search and you will find more information. They love natural hair.

How do you grow african nappy hair?

This is one of the best sites I can recommend:

"Long Hair Care Forums is the ultimate Internet resource for women of color that want to grow healthy beautiful long hair."

Try not to blow-dry and flat-iron your hair too often. If you have to, try doin' let your hair air-dry and then flat-iron it. Less heat is better!

Careful with the products you add to your hair. That's just causing build-up. Which reminds should get a clarifying conditioner or any product that removes build-up. A homemade remedy is just the use of apple-cidar vinegar.

You need to keep your hair moisturized. So you need a moisturizer particularly water-based (look for a hair product with water/aqua as the first ingredient--such as ORS Olive Oil). Coconut milk, olive oil and honey are supposed to leave your hair shiny and smooth. However, not everything works for everyone. Baby your ends! Snip away the damaged ends. Trust hair was almost waist-length but I hated how my ends were looking. It looked all crispy and It doesn't make sense leaving them...what you can do to save some continued dusting--just trimming very slight amounts.

After moisturizing your hair, you should top it off with oil. I have Silk Elements Revive and Restore All-In-One root penetrating oil. Jojoba oil is supposed to be great too. The oil acts as a keep the moisture in. Wild Growth Oil works well too.

After you wash your hair, you should add a leave-in and then moisturizer and oil or an oil moisturizer. Try not to brush your hair too much when its wet. Its most fragile at this time.

Many people like Keracare products...particularly their shampoo and conditioner. I am currently using a Creme of Nature shampoo. They don't contain Sodium Laureth Sulphate which is apparently a bit harsh for your hair.

Hair Mayonnaise is also a great product. Its good for when your hair is in need of protein. I don't recommend you use this product on a daily basis.

Kinikakes (one of the girl's from that site I recommended) says this: "Use what's in your kitchen. Add eggs or mayonaise (protein) honey, soft, ripe avocado, coconut, or olive oil (softness/silkiness/moisture), crushed garlic (prevents breakage), or cayenne pepper (stimulates growth) to your conditioning treatments for awesome, at-home special treatment!"

Drink lots of water too and watch what you eat. Milk, protein shakes and vitamins are advised. Biotin is excellent for hair growth. It should also be taken with B-Complex or some multi-vitamin. However, not everyone can stand to use Biotin for different reasons.

If you relax your hair, try and space out your relaxers...and use the mildest one.

You need to do protective styles...such as bunning. That way you hair won't be exposed to those harsh elements of weather (wind) and it won't rub against your clothes.

Scalp stimulation is also recommended. Massage your scalp frequently. When you're brushing your hair...try to bend over and brush from the back to the tip.

Good luck with the growing process and I wish you healthy hair!

How do you grow african nappy hair?

Are you trying to grow African Nappy Hair?

How do you grow african nappy hair?

apply some hair gro