Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

Hi im a gu and i want to grow my hair long enough to pull it back into a pony tail asap my hair right now i 2 inches i need like 5 or 6 more inches before i can do so.I have been taking a multivitimin and it makes my hair grow about an inch a month but i want to know other thinkgs that i can do to make it grow super fast i am open to useing anything to make my hair grow alot faster.if you ever used a hair product that made ur hair grow alot faster please answer.

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

Well growing hair fast is not what you think. You actually can't grow your hair fast. You can grow hair to it's full potential speed though. If you need to take vitamins than that may mean you dont eat enough vegetables, because that should be your main source of vitamins. A good vitamin carrying algae is kelp, the asians injest alot of seafood and have wonderful strong hair that grows quite fast. Eat lots of rice and dont over do it with the meat try eating fish at least 3 times a week. Drink lot's of water at least 1/2 gallon a day and exercise everyday. I know this may seem like a weigtloss method but it's really good for your hair, it's better than vitamins. Exercising increases circulation throughout your body so that blood flow can go through neglected part of your body, i.e. the scalp. Also messaging the scalp with olive oil every night is great, just make sure you wash it out the next day if you have limp hair. Hope I helped.

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

drink more milk it helps

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

I know that if you keep the split ends away it keeps your hair growing faster but thats all i can offer.

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

this might sound crazy, but shave all your hair off. i know i know but once you shave it off it stimulates more growth and the roots become thicker. just keep doing it for like 2 weeks. so maybe not all of it off but into a buzz cut so that way you wont look like britney spears.

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

Well, if all else fails, you can always get extensions.

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

A good vitamin for hair/skin/nails is silica. Try not too over wash your hair as this wears it out and damages it. Put protein packs on once a week. Thin hair does not look good long on a guy. If you have medium to thick hair go for it. When it is long keep it immaculately clean. I personally like long hair on a guy but not if it is dirty or greasy looking.

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

tale and main shampoo i have found it at walmart , or you can find it in animal sections . it is for human use it just shampoo and cream rinse there is two different types but, it is the same stuff. use it about two or three time a week using your other shampoo . remember dna has a lot to do with growing your hair. it does work just takes a little time to get a start .

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

keep it healthy

How to grow alot of hair fast?PLEASE HELP?

Hair is continuously growing and is being shed simultaneously. Home made beauty recipes based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve hair growth. The luster in your hair will depend on what you eat and also on how you treat it. To Know more about your hair will help you

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